
Worms (helminths) are parasitic worms that invade the human body and cause harm to human health. The diseases caused by them are helminthiasis. More than 300 species of these parasites have been identified. Worm infections are common but occur primarily in areas with warm and humid climates. Their risk groups include children aged 5 to 15 years. They often have roundworms and pinworms. This is due to children's desire to learn about the outside world, low immunity to parasites, and insufficient acidity of gastric juices. The primary habitat of worms is the intestines.They enter the body through the outer skin tissue and ingest eggs and worm larvae as well as water and food. Mature eggs form larvae in the digestive tract. They enter the bloodstream through the intestinal mucosa and are transported to the liver, gall bladder, bronchi, lungs, heart and brain. During the process of coughing up phlegm and swallowing saliva, the worms re-enter the human intestine. After 70-75 days, they will be able to breed there.The period from damage to eggs or larvae to the emergence of mature worms, which lasts up to 3 months, is the early stage of the disease. From the moment the adult worm forms, anaphase begins. Worms in humans live in the intestines for up to a year, where they lay eggs, which are passed into the environment through defecation.

Type of worm

Types of human wormsThere are several types of worms:
  1. Roundworms (nematodes) – roundworms, hookworms, pinworms, whipworms.
  2. Tapeworm (Taenia) - Pork tapeworm, Tapeworm latifolia.
  3. Flukes (flukes) - lung flukes and liver flukes, cat flukes.
In addition, the development and infection characteristics of helminthiasis vary:Geoworm disease. Parasitic eggs are found underground and enter the body with unwashed fruit and poor personal hygiene.Biological helminthiasis. These types of worms have an intermediate host - dogs, fish and shellfish. Human failure as the parasite's ultimate host has been linked to eating poor quality fish or coming into contact with animals.

Causes of worms in human body

Often, eggs are brought indoors through the paws and fur of pets that are walked or released outdoors. The most common cause of helminthiasis is violation of personal hygiene rules. For example, a person forgets to wash their hands after leaving home, after using the bathroom, or before eating.If you have a habit of sucking your fingers, biting your nails, or holding pens or pencils in your mouth, your risk of developing helminthiasis increases.Symptoms of human wormsPoor quality washing of plant products poses a great risk to health.Helminthosis can occur when drinking raw water and when washing food with untested water.If the techniques for preparing fish or meat are violated, helminthiasis can result. If beef is undercooked, you may be infected with the bovine tapeworm; if fish is poorly processed, you may be infected with the broad tapeworm; if pork is undercooked, there is a high risk of contracting the pork tapeworm.Worms may also be found if wet cleaning is infrequent and people walk indoors without taking off their outdoor shoes. Helminthosis can be transmitted from a sick person through bedding, eating utensils or close contact.The cause of the disease is related to violation of hygiene rules, poor care of domestic cats and dogs, and poor food hygiene. If these factors are eliminated, then the likelihood of worm infection is slim.

Signs of worms in the body

There are acute and chronic forms of helminthiasis. The former can cause allergic reactions. The patient's complaints show signs of allergy and intoxication:
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • Itchy skin and rash;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Cough without phlegm;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • Increased gas formation in the intestines.
Signs of helminthiasisAfter chronic infection with worms, the symptoms are diverse and related to the location and quantity of the worms as well as the body's immune response characteristics. The most common symptoms of worms are:
  • Weakness and increased fatigue;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Darkening of the skin under the eyes;
  • measles;
  • Appetite disorders;
  • feel sick and vomit;
  • the smell from your mouth;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • lose weight;
  • Perianal itching;
  • Worm fragments are present in the stool.
Additionally, the function of organs affected by the worms may be disrupted. For example, when the parasite is in the liver or gallbladder, typical symptoms are right rib pain, nausea, and yellowing of the skin. If the worms have invaded the lungs, bronchitis and suffocation may occur. Roundworms can cause myocarditis and heart failure. Children with recurrent parasite infections often suffer from ARVI, stomatitis, gingivitis, and vulvovaginitis in girls.A classic symptom is bruxism (teeth grinding at night). When you have helminthiasis, the nervous system is affected - the person becomes more irritable, has difficulty concentrating, has a reduced tolerance for physical activity and has restless sleep.In the presence of helminths in the body, immune defenses are compromised, so fungi, pustular dermatoses, dental caries increase, allergies and concomitant diseases become more severe.If helminthiasis is left untreated, the parasitic larvae can damage blood vessels, intestines and all vital organs. This can affect the patient's condition and health.The products secreted by the larvae during their lifetime can be poisonous to the human body. They can cause local allergies, urticaria, bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis.Worms feed on the body's proteins, minerals and vitamins. In children, this can cause developmental delays. Hookworms and whipworms feed on the blood of their hosts (i. e. humans) and cause anemia.When worms multiply in the human body, the intestinal microflora may be destroyed, and the intestinal lumen and bile ducts may not completely close. This may be the cause of appendicitis, cholecystitis, and intestinal obstruction.

When to see a doctor

Treatment for worms at the doctorHelminthiasis must be treated immediately. In humans, worms interfere with intestinal absorption of nutrients. They secrete foods that are harmful to the digestive tract. If left untreated, the worms can invade the brain, lungs and other organs.It is recommended to make an appointment with a qualified gastroenterologist if you have the following signs of pathology:
  • Drowsiness, malaise;
  • allergic reactions, such as rash, bronchial asthma;
  • A person eats more or less;
  • Nausea and vomiting occur, but no signs of poisoning;
  • Diarrhea, constipation;
  • Weight loss, good appetite;
  • did not sleep well;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Muscle and joint pain without physical activity;
  • Swollen lymph nodes and inflammation;
  • Bruxism;
  • worms in feces;
  • Itching in the perianal area.
If helminth infection is suspected, the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes will be felt. The listed agencies may be expanded.If you have helminthiasis, a typical blood test will show leukocytosis, eosinophilia, and an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate.The most accurate detection of helminth disease is 3 months after onset of disease, when the worms have reached sexual maturity. To diagnose and monitor the effectiveness of treatment, laboratory tests are required:
  • Scraping out pinworm eggs around the anus;
  • Stool analysis for worm eggs;
  • Coroutines.
Sputum, urine, vomitus, duodenal contents, and skin fragments can be used as materials for examination and diagnosis.To identify intestinal worm disease, allergy testing is required. Detect changes in internal organs using:
  1. Lung X-ray.
  2. Liver ultrasound.
  3. Computed tomography of internal organs.
  4. Colonoscopy.
  5. Esophagogastroscopy.
Sometimes, identifying human helminthiasis is not easy because the worms lay eggs erratically. In order to detect them, it is important to obtain material for study during the worm breeding season. Antibodies to the worm can be detected in the blood 2 months after infection. They are then not detected in the blood but accumulate in the intestinal wall. Diagnosis is difficult because of the variety of clinical symptoms. Often, experts base their research and treatment on indirect symptoms of helminthiasis.

Folk remedies to fight parasites

Folk remedies to fight parasitesA well-known folk remedy for worms is pumpkin seeds. This product is suitable for children and adults. This product contains cucurbitacins, which can negatively affect the life activities of worms. However, it is impossible to completely cure the parasite with pumpkin seeds alone. If you don't see a doctor or get checked out, you may develop complications because the worms multiply quickly. They are especially dangerous when they affect the internal organs and brain. How to get rid of worms - In addition to treatments prescribed by a doctor, traditional medicines can also be used.Tansy Infusion.Pour 1 tablespoon of tansy flowers into 200 ml of boiling water, cover, let sit for 20 minutes, and drain. Cool infusion, 4 tablespoons 3-4 times daily. The first dose is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, then 30 minutes before lunch and dinner.mugwort extract.The bitter taste of this plant stimulates receptors in the mouth that promote the formation of gastric juices, bile, and pancreatic enzymes. This plant contains Chamazulene, which has laxative and anti-inflammatory properties. It negatively affects the worm's life cycle and has anthelmintic properties.To prepare the infusion, grind the dried mugwort in a coffee grinder. Then pour 2 teaspoons of plant material into 300 ml of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 6-8 hours. The infusion then needs to be filtered. Take 100ml in the morning before meals for 2-3 weeks. The product should be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.Infused with cloves. This spice is widely used in folk medicine. The dried buds of this plant strengthen the gastrointestinal tract, normalize digestion, and improve immunity. Clove infusion is effective against worms.To prepare, pour 500 ml of water into 30 g of buds and wait for the product to cool completely. Take 1 cup orally before breakfast.Clove Tincture. Pour 30 g of buds into 500 ml of vodka (alcohol). The liquid is infused in the dark for 2-3 weeks and then filtered. Take 1 teaspoon of tincture before meals for 2-4 weeks.


Prevention of human wormsTo prevent adult worms, it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene. It is also necessary to instill them in children from birth. These rules include:
  1. Wash your hands with soap and water after going out, touching animals, using the toilet, and before eating.
  2. Rinse the fruits and herbs well with water and then with boiling water.
  3. Fish and seafood should be heat treated for a long time.
  4. Use high-quality and safe domestic water.
  5. You will need hygiene products, personal cutlery, towels and bed linen.
  6. For drinking, you can use boiled filtered water.
  7. Indoors, you should regularly wipe surfaces with a damp cloth and wash floors.
  8. You will need to wash your floors with detergent every two weeks.
How to Deworm - Broad spectrum dewormers are recommended in the spring and fall to prevent helminths. Pets should also receive regular deworming treatments.Can worms spread - If the rules of personal hygiene and prevention of helminths are violated, all family members can become infected.