
  • Is it normal for humans to have bugs on their bodies? Causes of appearance, signs, when to see a doctor, folk remedies, prevention.
    26 December 2023
  • Protecting children from worm infections can seem like an almost impossible task. This is due to the nature of the worm and its infection mechanism. Let's consider the main causes, types, and folk and traditional treatments of helminth infections.
    18 December 2023
  • How to get rid of worms in your home. Advantages and disadvantages of folk remedies. Best Homemade Recipes for Tinctures and Decoctions for Internal Worms. Two enema recipes for parasites. Diet as a means of fighting worms.
    10 December 2023
  • Types, causes and symptoms of worms. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of helminthiasis.
    2 December 2023
  • Human helminths: causes and routes of infection, symptoms and signs, treatments and prevention.
    25 October 2023
  • Causes and symptoms of worms in humans. Prevent parasitic infections with the help of medicines and folk remedies.
    21 June 2022
  • The most common type of worm that enters the human body. How can these parasites be treated and, most importantly, how can their presence in the body be recognized by symptoms?
    30 May 2022
  • worm. How to get rid of folk remedies. A recipe for fighting worms - parasites. Council and recommendations. Prevent worm invasion.
    23 May 2022
  • Why it appears, how to detect it and how to remove parasites from the human body.
    23 May 2022
  • Effective drugs for human endoparasites are drugs with a broad and directed spectrum of action, herbs, plants with anthelmintic properties, antiparasitic preparations.
    22 May 2022
  • To identify parasites in the human body, it is enough to consult a doctor, who will prescribe some laboratory and hardware studies. Find out which symptoms and diseases indicate worms in the body. 3 stages of treatment of parasitic infections.
    22 May 2022
  • Parasites are protozoa - single-celled microorganisms that cause dangerous diseases in humans. Protozoal infections are contagious, have serious consequences, and require prompt treatment.
    22 May 2022
  • Types of parasites under human skin. Dangerous symptoms of helminthiasis and its treatment. Various worms, prevention of helminthiasis.
    26 February 2022
  • Types of parasites, signs of infection, and symptoms of internal parasites. Laboratory method for diagnosing helminthiasis.
    17 August 2021
  • Use folk remedies to clean the body of the parasite at home. Various methods of clearing the intestines from different types of worms.
    11 July 2021
  • How the worm appeared. Remove worms from the body. Home treatment of parasites in children and pregnant women. prevention.
    11 July 2021
  • Parasitic infections are common, especially in households with pets. What are the anthelmintics?
    14 June 2021
  • Types of worms that parasitize humans and methods of infection. Worms: symptoms of infection. Worm research.
    3 June 2021
  • The parasites in the body are unpleasant and even harmful to health. How to get rid of worms? What is the most effective treatment?
    2 June 2021
  • A large amount of vegetables, vegetables, and herbs with anti-parasitic effects should be added to the diet. Drive parasites out of plants, let’s talk about them.
    2 June 2021
  • More than 60 different types of parasites can inhabit different body systems. This plant will help remove the smallest protozoan parasites, fungi and bacteria from the worm eggs.
    2 June 2021
  • To get rid of parasites in the body, taking pills is not enough. The doctor himself said that this is sometimes ineffective. my way.
    2 June 2021
  • The most terrible parasites that freely crawl inside the human body and can live in it.
    14 August 2020
  • Types of parasites in the human body: classification and description.
    14 August 2020
  • How to get tested for parasites: what tests to take. Symptoms of the presence of worms. How to get tested for worms at home? Other diagnostic procedures. A blood test for helminths in a child.
    13 August 2020
  • How to cleanse the body of parasites: symptoms of infection. How to cleanse the body of parasites: drug treatment. How to cleanse the body of parasites using folk methods.
    12 August 2020
  • The article discusses the general symptoms and treatment of three main groups of parasites in the human body: protozoa, helminths (helminthiasis), and fungi (mycosis).
    12 August 2020
  • In the article we tell you which parasites can settle in the human intestine. You will also learn about accompanying symptoms, treatment methods, and preventive measures.
    12 August 2020
  • Human parasites. Why are parasites dangerous? How infection occurs? Symptoms of the presence of parasites in the body of the digestive system.
    12 August 2020
  • To know what are the effective means against parasites, everyone should, because their native language is 95% of the population of the planet. Many are of the opinion that the best remedy against parasites in the human body — the usual pumpkin seeds to their composition.
    1 April 2020
  • Parasites in the human body have always been, especially the first, when the questions of disinfection were openly, people did not know good medicine, and often the life is full of hygiene.
    4 March 2020
  • The parasite is one who lives for the account of others in all senses and ways. There are representatives that are established in humans, in animals, in plants and cause a lot of diseases, lead to poisoning.
    1 March 2020
  • What are the parasites in the human body. Effective ways to fight pests.
    31 December 2019
  • Cleansing the body of parasites affecting every person. Scientists and doctors have shown that ruin the health, worsen the quality of life, and sometimes lead to death. Cleansing the body of parasites in an effective manner with the help of official medicine, and folk.
    23 December 2019